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Image by Debora Pilati

Signs & Symptoms

Each of these anxiety disorders is distinct in some ways, but they all share the same hallmark features:

  • irrational and excessive fear

  • apprehensive and tense feelings

  • difficulty managing daily tasks and/or distress related to these tasks.

Cognitive, Behavioural and physical symptoms include:

  • anxious thoughts (e.g., “I’m losing control” )

  • anxious predictions (e.g., “I’m going to fumble my words and humiliate myself”)

  • anxious beliefs (e.g., “Only weak people get anxious”)

  • avoidance of feared situations (e.g., driving)

  • avoidance of activities that elicit sensations similar to those experienced when anxious (e.g., exercise)

  • subtle avoidance's (behaviours that aim to distract the person, e.g., talking more during periods of anxiety)

  • safety behaviours (habits to minimize anxiety and feel “safer,” e.g., always having a cell phone on hand to call for help)

  • excessive physical reactions relative to the context (e.g., heart racing and feeling short of breath in response to being at the mall).

The physical symptoms of anxiety may be mistaken for symptoms of a physical illness, such as a heart attack.

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